
Administrative assignments at IIT Roorkee:

  1. Head, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee, Jan 2011 – April 2014.
  2. Chairman, Standing Committee on Radiological Materials, since 2010.
  3. Chairman, Institute Lecture Series, IIT Roorkee, 2010-2015.
  4. Member, Group Purchase Committee, SRIC, since 2009.
  5. Member, Educational Planning and Research Committee, IITR until 2011.
  6. Chairman, Department Research Committee, 2008-April 2010.
  7. Member, Institute Library Advisory Committee, IITR, 2008-2010.
  8. Member, Institute Lecture Series, IITR, 2006-2009.
  9. Chairman, Department Purchase, Finance & Store Committee, 2005-2008.
  10. Member, Strategic Planning Group, IIT Roorkee, 2002-2006.

Some Significant national/international assignments:

  1. Member, TIFR-BARC Pelletron Linac Program Advisory Committee since 2023
  2. Editor, J. Phys.- Pramana, Indian Academy of Sciences, since 2022
  3. Guest Editor, European Physics Journal–ST, Vol. 233, No. 5, 2024 on “Nuclear Isomers”.
  4. Guest Editor, European Physics Journal–ST, Vol. 229, No.14-15, 2020 on “Role of Symmetries in Nuclear Physics”.
  5. Vice-president, Indian Association of Physics Teachers, 2019-2024.
  6. President, Indian Association of Physics Teachers, RC-5, Uttarakhand, 2016-2021.
  7. Member, PAC on Physical Sciences, DST, 2015-2018
  8. Member, Program Committee of SERB (DST) Schools in Nuclear Physics, 2017-2020.
  9. Member, PAC for Indian National Gamma Array, since 2006  
  10. Chairman, PAC of SERB (DST) Schools in Nuclear Physics, 2011-2016
  11. Member, PAC, Nuclear Data Physics Centre of India, BARC, Mumbai.
  12. Member of Expert Committees of DST to evaluate mega science projects.
  13. Member, International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data, IAEA, Vienna since 2006.


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