About Me

What I Do?

What I Do?

I had made many original contributions in several areas of Nuclear Structure Physics in general and Physics of Deformed Nuclei in particular. I am one of the very few nuclear theorists who have also forayed into experimental investigations of nuclei leading to observation of new features like shape mixing and band crossing  in magnetic rotational bands. Some of my original contributions outlined below have been covered in my two articles in the prestigious Reviews of Modern Physics, now standard references in the field.

Many examples of identical bands in odd-A deformed nuclei were discovered by me for the first time in 1984 (Z. Physik A317, 2050, 1984; Phys. Rev. C30, 2050, 1984). It was followed up by me through my observations of identical band structures in groups of nuclei (Z. Physik A320, 645, 1985; Modern Physics Letters A3, 743, 1988). I showed many examples of this in the rare-earth region (REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 62, 393-509,1990) and the actinide region (At. Data & Nucl. Data Tables 50, 269-342,1992).

I discovered for the first time the existence of an odd-even staggering in the K ¯ rotational bands of odd-odd nuclei. I explained this phenomenon in terms of higher order Coriolis effects (Phys. Lett. B209, 19, 1988; Phys. Rev. C40, 432-444, 1989). Further, the phenomenon of Signature inversion in odd-odd nuclei was also explained by me in terms of higher order Coriolis effects (Physics Letters B277, 233-237, 1992, Nuclear Physics A620, 265, 199, REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 70, 1998, 843-895).

Education & Qualifications:

1972-1977:Banaras Hindu University, Ph.D.(Physics)

1970-1972: M.Sc. (Physics); 1967-1970: B.Sc. (Physics)

Areas of Professional Experiences

Theoretical and Experimental Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Structure Physics. Applications of nuclear physics in atmospheric phenomena. Evaluation of Nuclear Structure Decay Data. Radiation safety and Nuclear Security.

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