Invited Talks and Lectures

Invited Talks and Lectures in last 15 years

  1. Chief Guest at Valedictory program of International Conference on Recent
    Trends in Nuclear Physics, 2-4 March 2023, Central University of HP.
  2. Chief Guest and Key-note address at STUTI Program of SERB, Bareilly College, 25
    July 2022
  3. Chief Guest and Key note address at National Science Conference, Bandipora,
    Kashmir, 30 March-1 April 2022
  4. Unique Low Energy Isomer 225 Th – A.K. Jain; Centenary Celebration Conference, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2-4 March 2020
  5. Extremely Low Energy Isomers as Unique Quantum Systems – A.K. Jain; International Conference on Complex Quantum Systems, B.A.R.C., Mumbai, 4-7 March 2020
  6. How to reorient our lives during Covid19 – A.K. Jain; Amity University UP, Noida, 10 April 2020
  7. Covid19 and how to reorient our lives during and after – A.K. Jain; Bareilly College, Bareilly, UP, 31 May 2020
  8. Expanding Horizons of Nuclear Physics – A.K. Jain; JC Bose University of Science & Tech, Faridabad, 19 June 2020
  9. Nuclear Physics–Early History, Present Status, and possible Future Developments; Pabna University of Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh, 21 Sept. 2020
  10. Invited Talk and Chair at Symposium on “Physics from Large to Small Scales”, Kumaun University, Nainital, 14-16 March 2019
  11. Invited Talk and Chair at the International Conference on Recent Issues in Nuclear Physics, Santi Niketan, Bengal, 3-5 Feb. 2019
  12. Ph.D. Viva-Voce and a research seminar, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 16-18 Jan 2019
  13. Keynote Address in the Annual Conference on Science & Technology, Myanmar Defence Academy, Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar, 29 Oct – 2 Nov. 2018
  14. Invited Talk and Chair at International Conference on Nuclear, Particle, and Accelerator Physics, Central University, Ranchi, 23-26 Oct. 2018
  15. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Modern Physics, Reality & Ancient Indian Wisdom, NIAS, Bangalore, 6-10 May 2018.
  16. Chief Guest and Speaker, National Science Day, Aligarh Muslim University, 28 Feb 2018.
  17. Invited Talk at the International Workshop on Frontiers of Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, TIFR, Mumbai, 12-14 March 2018
  18. Invited Talk at the Discussion Meeting of Fusion-Fission Dynamics, TIFR, Mumbai, 19-21 Feb 2018
  19. Invited Talk at the Meeting on Present and Future of Nuclear Instrumentation in India, IIT Ropar, 19 Dec. 2017
  20. Invited Talk at the 2nd International Conf. on Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei, Paris, 6-10 Nov. 2017
  21. Invited Talk at the National Seminar on Frontiers in Physics, Srinagar, Kashmir, 21-23 Oct. 2017
  22. Invited Talk at the International Conf on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Shanghai, China, 18-22 Sept. 2017
  23. Invited lectures at the SERB School on Nuclear Physics, BU, Coimbatore, 7-27 Feb. 2017
  24. Invited Talk at the National Conf on Traditional Knowledge, IITR, 24-26 Feb. 2017
  25. Invited Talk at Int. Conf. on Complex Quantum Systems, BARC, Mumbai, 20-23 Feb, 2017
  26. Invited Talk at Int. Conf. on Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei, Paris, 7-11 Nov. 2016
  27. Invited Talk at the Dalian Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Dalian, China, 20-23 July 2016.
  28. Invited Talk at National Seminar on “Applications of Radio-isotopes”, Amity University, 5 Aug. 2016
  29. Keynote Address at Professional Development Course on Nuclear Security, Amity Univ., 29 May 2016
  30. Institute Lecture – 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, IIT Delhi, 3rd Feb. 2016.
  31. Key-note address at the National Conf. on Emerging Challenges in Nuclear and Many Body Physics, Jammu University, 10-11 Nov., 2014
  32. Lectures at the SERC School on Nuclear Physics, TIFR, Mumbai, 5-25 Oct. 2014.
  33. Invited talk at the AASPP Workshop on Nucl. Reaction Database Development, BARC, Mumbai, 22-24 Sept. 2014.
  34. Invited talk at the 33 rd International Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-28 June 2014.
  35. Invited talk at the Int. Conf. on “75 th year of Fission”, BARC, Mumbai, 8-10 May 2014.
  36. Lectures at the School on Nuclear Fission, VECC, Kolkata, 13-15 May 2014.
  37. Invited talk at the 32 nd International Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-29 June 2013.
  38. Some recent results and future directions for nuclear structure studies in India, April 4-5, 2013. Conference on Particle Accelerators: Technology & Applications, IUAC, New Delhi,  4-5 April, 2013.
  39. Hundred years of Rutherford Scattering in Nuclear Physics, INSPIRE program, Thapar University, Patiala, March 31, 2013.
  40. Invited Lectures at Jammu University, 10-11 March 2013.
  41. Talk on “Conservation of Isospin in n-rich fission fragments”, International Conf on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology, New York, March 4-8, 2013.
  42. Talk on “Horizontal evaluation – Nuclear Isomers”, IAEA Meeting of NSDD evaluators, KFAS, Kuwait, Jan. 27-31, 2013.
  43. Invited talk on “Nuclear Theory for the experimentalists and evaluators”, BRNS Workshop on Nuclear Structure and Decay Data, VECC, Kolkata, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
  44. Invited talk on “Role of Isospin conservation in n-rich nuclei”, SCRIBE, VECC, Kolkata, Nov. 7-9, 2012.
  45. A. K. Jain, Hundred years of Rutherford Scattering in Nuclear Physics, INSPIRE program, HNB University, Srinagar Garhwal, Dec. 4, 2010.
  46. A.K. Jain, Conservation of Isospin in the Fission of Heavy Nuclei, International Workshop on NN Interaction and the Many Body Problem, Nov. 18-27, 2010, T.I.F.R., Mumbai.
  47. A. K. Jain, Atlas of Nuclear Isomers and their systematics, International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators, I.A.E.A., Vienna, April 4-8, 2011
  48. A. K. Jain – Invited Talk on “Semiclassical Approaches to Phenomena in Deformed Nuclei”, Workshop on “Frontiers in Gamma Ray Spectroscopy”, T.I.F.R., Mumbai, 2-4 March 2009.
  49. A.K. Jain – Invited Talk on “Magnetic Rotation - Past, Present and Future”, International Nuclear Physics Symposium, B.A.R.C., Mumbai, 8-12 Dec. 2009.
  50. A. K. Jain – Invited Lecture on “Geometrical Symmetries and Level Structure”, School cum Workshop on Nuclear Yrast and Near-yrast States, IIT, Rookree, 26-30 Oct. 2009.
  51. A. K. Jain – Invited Talk on “Some exotic phenomena in nuclei”, INS national Seminar on “Nuclear Technology for Sustainable Developement”, Thapar University, Patiala, Oct. 10- 11, 2009.
  52. A. K. Jain – Invited Lecture on “Particle Physics – Existence and Eternity”, Course on Synergy through Self-Awareness and Personal mastery, National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur, 14-16 Sept 2009.
  53. A.K. Jain – Lecture series on “Basic Properties of Nuclei” (a set of six lectures), SERC School on Nuclear Physics, IUAC, New Delhi, 1-20 September 2008.
  54. A.K. Jain – Lecture series on “Symmetries and Nuclear Spectra” (a set of six lectures), SERC School on Nuclear Physics, IUAC, New Delhi, 1-20 September 2008.
  55. A.K. Jain – Invited talk on “Recent Developments in Nuclear Structure Theory” at Seminar on “Recent Trends in Physics”, Panjab Univ, Chandigarh, Feb 29, 2008.
  56. A.K. Jain – Invited talk at the International Conference on Proton Emitting Nuclei and related topics, Lisbon, June 17-23, 2007.
  57. A.K. Jain, S.S. Malik and S.R. Jain, Invited Talk “Semiclassical Route to Shell Model”,International Workshop on “Nuclear Structure Physics at the Extreme; New Directions”, Shimla, India, 21-24 March 2005.
  58. A.K. Jain and Mohini Gupta, Invited talk “ENSDF – Purpose, Philosophy and Usage”, at DAE-BRNS National Workshop on Nuclear Data for Reactor Technology and Fuel Cycle, 7-10 March 2005, B.A.R.C., Mumbai.
  59. A.K. Jain, Invited lecture “Magnetic Phenomena in Nuclei”, in the D.A.E. Golden Jubilee Lecture Series at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, March 10, 2004.
  60. A.K. Jain and P. Arumugam, Lectures entitled “Shell Structure, Cranking and Magnetic Phenomena in Nuclei”, at S.E.R.C School in Nuclear Physics (Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India), IIT, Mumbai, 2004.
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